Sidreni vijak FAZ II
Vijak za najveća opterećenja.
Sidreni vijak FAZ II

Istaknute značajke proizvoda

  1. Naglašeni rub zadržava razupornu spojnicu na mjestu, čak i kada se udara po pojačanjima, te osigurava sigurnu ugradnju.
  2. Interakcija između konusnog vijka i razuporne spojnice značajno povećava kapacitet nosivosti pri vlačnom opterećenju i omogućava postizanje minimalnog aksijalnog i rubnog razmaka.
  3. Mogućnost izbora s unaprijed montiranom normalnom podloškom ili velikom podloškom GS. Dostupno i s podloškom HBS prema građevinskim standardima za drvene konstrukcije DIN 1052.
  4. Izbočeni konus s čekićem štiti navoj od oštećenja tijekom postavljanja.

Vaše prednosti ukratko

NOVO: FAZ II 6: Prvi sidreni vijak na svijetu s promjerom izbušene rupe 6 mm i ETA opcije 1, za sigurno i odobreno sidrenje.
NOVO: Promjenjive dubine sidrenja omogućavaju prilagođavanje opterećenjima s milimetarskom točnošću (M8-M16).
ETA odobrenje također obuhvaća upotrebu šupljih svrdala i svrdala s dijamantnom jezgrom.
S novim ETA odobrenjima za Opciju 1 vlačna opterećenja povećavaju se do 10%, a posmična opterećenja do 17%. Tako je potrebno manje sidara i sidara manjih dimenzija.
Prošireno područje primjene: sada s certifikatom za razrede betona C12/15 i C80/95.

Anchor bolt for use in steel fibre concrete

The FAZ II Plus Anchor bolt now also has general design approval (aBG) for anchorages in steel fibre concrete. This opens up new applications for the classic product, which are increasingly in demand in engineering practice.

Included are the versions FAZ II Plus made of galvanised steel, FAZ II Plus R made of stainless steel and FAZ II Plus HCR made of highly corrosion-resistant steel 1.4529 in the diameter sizes M6 to M24. The approval for anchoring in steel fibre concrete was made according to the DAfStb guideline steel fibre concrete (2012-11) with a maximum fibre content of 80 kg/m³.  

More information

FAZ II Plus. The champion among the bolt anchors. Powerful & flexible.

The fischer FAZ II Plus is the steel anchor for the highest demands - for heavy loads in cracked concrete.
The FAZ II Plus can be used particularly flexibly thanks to its simple installation. The proven expansion clip safely guides the loads into the concrete and enables the highest load-bearing capacity.

Quick and easy installation of bolt anchors.

The FA-ST II bolt anchor setting tool allows for quick and easy installation of bolt anchors, saving significant installation time in particular during series installation. The projecting thread of the anchor is not damaged during hammering. The bolt anchor setting tool FA-ST II is suitable for commonly available hammer drills (2 - 3 kg) with SDS adapter. Specialised bolt anchors such as the FAZ II Plus, FBN II, FBZ and EXA can be installed using push-through installation more quickly, easily, and safely using the FA-ST II. The setting tool ensures optimal handling, thanks to its low weight

More information

Verzija s čahurastom maticom.

Nove verzije s posebnim, visokim čahurastim maticama (M10 i M12) idealne su za arhitektonski zahtjevne primjene i nude vizualno atraktivno sidrenje. Osim toga, čahurasta matica štiti od ozljeda zahvaljući svom zatvorenom obliku.

FAZ II je jedino sidro s čahurastom maticom i ETA opcijom 1!


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